Panel 1: The Israel-Gaza Conflict: Navigating the Crisis Internally at Work
“As a leader it's about articulating your values and acceptable behaviour in the workplace, and creating a culture of dialogue rather than a culture of ‘destructive’ debate.”
Our first panel, hosted by DIAL Global’s Leila McKenzie-Delis, emphasised the significance of establishing a safe and inclusive workplace during external geopolitical crises. The discussion focused on strategies for fostering inclusivity, promoting constructive dialogue, addressing workplace tensions related to conflicts, and cultivating a culture of empathy and support within organisations.
Panellists including Chair of Kick It Out Sanjay Bhandari, Centre of Sports and Human Rights (CSHR) Chief Innovation and Partnerships Officer, David Grevemberg and Global CEO of Ipsos Ben Page, highlighted the importance of leaders communicating with employees during crises. All agreed on the importance of having the courage to say something rather than nothing, and the challenges faced by global leaders, to deal with hundreds of conflicts.
They emphasised the need for authenticity and courage in expressing views, acknowledging diverse perspectives, and creating a culture of dialogue rather than destructive debate. The challenges of navigating a cancel culture and the role of PR advisors in crisis communication were also discussed.
The panellists addressed the need for creating safe spaces for constructive dialogues within organisations, emphasising the importance of respectful conversations, and avoiding debates, with leaders emphasising the need for stressing values and acceptable behaviour.
The discussion concluded with the recognition that facilitating open conversations is essential for promoting mental health at work, and addressing various issues within the workplace.
Click here to see the full video recording available to our Members